Thursday, May 21, 2009

Random Quotes, Sponspored by Northern Lebanon Classrooms

(just for the record, what Mr.Hess said may or may not be right because I don't remember exactly what he said, just that I didn't understand any of it and neither did anyone in the class. Except CJ, but he understands everything)

Mr.Hess: The numerator is your root and the denominator is the power you take it to.
Entire Class: *silence for about two minutes*
Tyler: idea what you just said

And you wanna know what Mr.Hess did then? He repeated the exact same sentence again, like we'd understand it the second time. Don't get me wrong, Mr.Hess is hands down the best Math teacher at our school, but that was just funny.

Now, lets visit fitness and weight training

Mr.Beiver: Howie, you're next
*Shannon goes, holds on for like two minutes*
Me: *is so short I have to jump to get to the bar, holds on for one second and then falls* Fail *walks off*

Jenna Klopp's Boyfriend (his name escapes me): Find someone on their team that's little.
Me: *whispering* I'm the littlest person on our team...

I'd add more but I'm having a brain sh!t (nope not a brain fart, a brain sh!t)

As far as the seizure goes, if it happens again, I'll get myself scheduled for an EEG (Electoencephalogram), as exciting as having to stay up for twenty four hours before hand, getting a bunch of electrical things stuck to my head and then having some kind of waves go through my brain, sounds, I'm not too thrilled about having to go, if I have to that is.


personality: unique said...

The quotes are funny!!!
I hope you're ok and don't have to go to the hospital!!!!!!

Erin said...

Well, I shouldn't have another. Haha, if your boyfriend gives you seizures, that's probably a sign that you shouldn't be together.

personality: unique said...

If your boyfriend gives you seizures, you should have your friends beat him to a pulp!! Jk.:)

Erin said...

hahahahahhaahhahhahahahahaahaha OH MY GOD! I love you! Do you want to be on the "If Erin Has A Seizure, Call This Number" List

personality: unique said...

Sure! I'll take care of the idiot! :)

Erin said...

haha, okie dokie.

B. Christman said...

Hm... I wanted to say something, but I can't remember what it was...

Archeanthus said...

I've had an EEG before. Make sure you find a shampoo that'll get all the nasty stuff they put in your hair out. I was pulling it out of my scalp for a couple days after.