Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Yes it can be done.

This may be shocking to some of you

Some of you may even cry

Some of you might get so excited you'll pee your pants.

But here it is.

LOLdogs, LOLcats, LOLhamsters and LOLbunnies all in one convienent package



B. Christman said...


Lisa Marie said...

yeah but see I flip when I get grades like that. You aren't stupid I am just an overachiever. Almost like a perfectionist. I need to have high grades and if I don't I hurt myself. So it's nothing against you it's just something my brain does to me. i don't know why i am like that but i just am. and see now my grades keep going down and i am like starting to really freak out and break down. my week isn't going very well at all and i want it to be over!!!!!!!!!!!

Archeanthus said...

What have I done...